Teacher Training

Schedule a one-on-one or department training

Meet with our Youth Genealogy Curriculum Coordinator to learn more about our Family History Curriculum. Brainstorm a personalized plan to incorporate content, lessons, and teaching strategies into your existing curriculum.

Teacher facing camera and smiling, in front of students at desks who are facing away towards the front of the classroom

Grades: K-12; Our lesson plans target grades 4 through 6, but our inclusive teaching strategies can be used to enhance and expand genealogy in the classroom at any grade level.
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: Free
Platform: Zoom

Offered Monday through Friday at a flexible time based on your schedule, including evening hours.

Discussion topics include:
  • Incorporating genealogy into your existing curriculum
  • Defining family and genealogy with students
  • Bringing parents and guardians onboard as partners as students explore their roots
  • Navigating sensitive topics with students
  • Identifying and addressing common misconceptions that students have about genealogy
  • Helping students create a personalized research plan based on their unique history
  • Assessing students on their research process

Request a Training

Family History Curriculum

Classroom-Ready Lesson Plans for Students K-12

Developed by experts at American Ancestors/NEHGS, this free-to-access national curriculum is designed to expose students in grades 4 through 6 to the concepts, benefits, and joys of family history.

Virtual Field Trips

Take a field trip without leaving your classroom! Introduce your students to the concepts, benefits, and joys of family history. Students will learn how to think like a genealogist and discover how to trace families back in time.

Youth Education Resources

Discover more resources and activities to engage young people with family history research.

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The Brue Family Learning Center