woman on laptop at home
Free Webinar: What's New at American Ancestors
September 21, 2023
Courthouse Columns
Online Course: Law & Order: Using Court Records in Your Family History Research
Wednesdays in September 2023
orange and yellow pattern
October 26, 2023
Drew Gilpin Faust
Deval Patrick

10 Million Names

American Ancestors is excited to announce 10 Million Names, a new project that will recover the names and restore information to families of the estimated 10 million men, women, and children of African descent who were enslaved in America between the 1500s and 1865.

10 Million Names is engaging a collaborative network of expert genealogists, cultural organizations, and community-based family historians. Together we will amplify the voices of people who have been telling their family stories for centuries, connect researchers and data partners with people seeking answers to family history questions, and expand access to data, resources, and information about enslaved African Americans.


10 Million Names

10 Million Names in the News

On Demand: Building Your Genealogical Skills

Take your research skills to the next level! Whether you are new to genealogy, want to refresh your skills, or learn best practices, this course will help you get the most out of your family history research.

AmericanAncestors.org Named One of 101 Best Websites for Genealogy in 2023

We are pleased to be included on this year's list of 101 Best Genealogy Websites from Family Tree Magazine. Released annually, this list compiles the best online tools available to assist the research of hobbyist genealogists. Visit FamilyTreeMagazine.com to see the full list for 2023.

Family Tree Magazine 202 Best Websites 2023

Where Were Your Ancestors during the Boston Tea Party?

In partnership with the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum, we are pleased to introduce the Boston Tea Party Descendants Program. Our mission is to foster interest in genealogical connections to participants in the Boston Tea Party, their families, and those involved in the making of colonial rebellion in Boston.

Apply Now

Explore Resources on our Site

Illustration: Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor

Call for Speakers: ICGHS 2024

Deadline November 15, 2023

The 36th International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences is now accepting proposals for presentations by interested scholars, historians, and researchers. Presentations should relate to the theme of this year's congress: "Origins, Journeys, and Destinations."


Classroom-Ready Lesson Plans for Students K-12

Developed by experts at American Ancestors/NEHGS, this free-to-access national curriculum is designed to expose students in grades 4 through 6 to the concepts, benefits, and joys of family history.

...Over its long life, [American Ancestors/NEHGS] has gathered together the largest collection of original materials about the British people of North America. Its Great Migration study, a continuing study, has also published the most authoritative record of, quite literally, the tens of thousands of British subjects who helped found New England. So, your contributions are unique. And something of which everyone who is a part of it can, legitimately, be very proud of. Human stories of our collective past are at the heart of your work, and I’d like to thank you for helping to keep those stories alive. It is our emotional DNA. And immensely valuable for this generation and our successors.
Sir John Major, KG CH

Courses On Demand: Educational experiences by our experts, at your convenience

Enjoy some of our most recent and popular courses on your schedule. Each course includes recorded lectures, handouts, activities, and more. Brush up on your research skills and explore topics across the field of genealogy with Courses On Demand!

Man and woman use laptop at kitchen table

Zoom Demo: The New AmericanAncestors.org

Join Claire Vail, Vice President for Digital Strategy and Communications, for a demonstration on the newly launched AmericanAncestors.org! Learn about key new features, how to navigate the site, and how to get the most out of the website from home. You can also visit our New Website FAQ for more information.

new website collage

Search 1.4 billion names to find your ancestors' records

Search records from all over the world now

I can't tell you how great it feels to be so supported by NEHGS and those of you who bring together such quality programming and make sure it goes as planned.  The online courses, the website, the databases, the "chat with a genealogist" opportunities, the list goes on . . . it all is simply a treasure.  For years my mom was a member of NEHGS and found it so helpful; I just wish she were still alive to attend and enjoy with me the courses now offered.  She would be delighted to know that I'm following in her footsteps.
Barbara Owens

Vita Brevis is 3 Million Views Old!

Vita Brevis, our family history blog, recently marked an important milestone: 3,000,000 page views since it launched in January 2014. Join editor Scott C. Steward for a look back on some of the most popular posts, from research advice to celebrity genealogies to personal stories of family connections made through genealogical research.

Vita Brevis

Upcoming Events


Law & Order: Using Court Records in Your Family History Research

Learn how to locate, interpret, and navigate civil and criminal cases, probate, pre-1906 naturalizations, divorce cases, and more.

September 6, 13, 20, 27, 2023

The Brue Family Learning Center 


What's New at American Ancestors

Stay up to date with what's new at American Ancestors, including new searchable databases, digitized collections, scholarship, educational programming, and more.

September 21, 2023

The Brue Family Learning Center

Author Event

Tiya Miles with Wild Girls: How the Outdoors Shaped the Women Who Challenged a Nation

Celebrating women throughout our country's diverse history, this award-winning Harvard historian will converse with Pulitzer Prize winner Laurel Thatcher Ulrich about the natural world and the women who changed America. 

Moderated by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
September 21, 2023

American Inspiration Author Series


Bagatelle: A Princely Residence in Paris

Using spectacular new photography that was commissioned for his 2023 book Bagatelle: A Princely Residence in Paris, author Nicolas Cattelain will take us on a luscious tour of the chateau and its fabulous history.

September 29, 2023

Fine Art & Architecture with Curt DiCamillo

Courses On Demand

On Demand: Basics of Early New England Research

This five-session online seminar discusses the settlement of New England, how to locate and use records, and strategies for breaking down brick walls.


Available for purchase until:

September 30, 2023

The Brue Family Learning Center

Courses On Demand

On Demand: The Secret History of Institutions and Institutionalization in America, 1880–1960

Don't miss this panel conversation featuring genealogist Lindsay Fulton, journalist-author Pam Fessler, and Alex Green, advocate and professor, Harvard Kennedy School. Moderated by Bill Griffeth, author and retired newscaster.


Available for purchase until:

September 30, 2023

The Brue Family Learning Center

Browse all upcoming events in our new Event Calendar

Recent Publications

Download Free Research Guides

The Antiquarto

Join D. Brenton Simons, President and CEO of American Ancestors/NEHGS, for exclusive interviews about family history, fine art and architecture, favorite books, and more. 

The latest episode features Kyle Hurst, Senior Genealogist for the Newbury Street Press at American Ancestors/New England Historic Genealogical Society. Hear about her work at the Newbury Street Press, researching and writing family histories; how she got started in genealogy; and her award-winning genealogy "Ancestors and Descendants of Charles Le Caron and Victoire Sprague."

Antiquarto logo with bookshelf background and photo of Brenton Simons


A message from D. Brenton Simons, President and CEO

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